NOMADEEC TelExpert opens up new dimensions in emergency telemedicine, tele-consultation or tele-expertise.
Flexible and collaborative
Nomadeec TelExpert offers all indispensable tools for tele-doctors, to allow them to make the best remote decision for their patients. The secure web application is all-modular and adapts to many contexts. It boosts collaboration between practitioners with remote collaboration.
Comprehensive and easy-to-use
NOMADEEC TelExpert offers several features:
Nomadeec patient care reports sent from the very scene
Advanced teleconsultation, with visio-conference, remote monitoring and tele-auscultation
Geolocalisation of the available hospital ressources
Automated data entries of reporting and mails
Advice module
« Anytime, Anywhere »
Nomadeec TelExpert is a secure web application, available on PC, tablets or smartphone, and does not need any specific integration. It is accessible any time from any web navigator.
An interoperable solution
Nomadeec can be natively integrated in hospitals and/or dispatch centers softwares. The interoperability and the secured information exchanges become finally accessible to users.
Technical features
Secure web application meeting telemedicine standards: certified health data hosting, SSL access, AES 256 encryption …)
User account management, access restriction according to IP address
Encrypted P2P visio-conference via certified health data server